

Easy recipes and meal ideas for the whole family. Paul & Paula loves food and embraces a healthy lifestyle.

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Breakfast International {part forty eight}

Name: Barbara Gouka

Blog/ Shop:

Where do you live: Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Your kids name+ age: Jamie, 2

What does she have for breakfast:
When we ask Jamie in the morning what she would like to have for breakfast she ussually screams: HAGEL (Dutch for fruit sprinkles). Of course we can’t do this every morning ;) She also loves Dutch cheese on a slice of bread and sometimes she gets a bowl of fruit on the side.

What do you (and daddy) have for breakfast: I can’t start the day without my café latte XXL), which usually goes together with a bowl of fruit or a simple sandwich. My husband on the other likes to have a very extensive breakfast : al large cup of tea, muesli with yogurt and fruit or a large grilled cheese sandwich. In the weekend we always try to have nice family breakfast with some homemade croissants, French toast, boiled or scrambled eggs and some fresh fruit. Jamie loves to get a piece of everything and she always seems to take care the table ends up looking like we had breakfast with 10 kids ;)

Breakfast International {part forty seven}

Name: Bronwyn

Website: Simply for Flying and blog

Where do you live: Currently Munich, Germany but we are moving to Singapore in September

Your kids name+ age: Giselle (Gigi) 4 & Luca (kuka) 6

What do they have for breakfast: No matter if it’s during the week or on the weekends, Giselle is the first one to rise and comes to my side of the bed and asks if it’s 7 o’clock. She makes me check my watch and tells me that she is hungry – not that she has any idea of the time. She can open the fridge from the base and grabs an Actimel or a yoghurt before her brother gets up. Once Luca is up it’s usually just the kids eating at the breakfast table which is a rather rushed affair. During the week they normally have weat-a-bix or muesli (my husband is always frustrated that kids muesli has chocolate in it), fruit and toast. On the weekends the choice is muesli or porridge, freshly pressed carrot and apple juice, egg&soldiers, vegemite, nutella( treat only on weekends) and chino (milk froth with coco)

What do mummy and daddy have for breakfast: My husband is away a lot for business so when we are together breakfast on weekends are very special. A must is a double shot flat white to wake us up and get the ball rolling in the mornings. The kids love helping in the kitchen and Luca has is own mini fry pan to  fry his egg for his Bagdad Eggs. You’re probably wondering what that is? Back in Australia before we had kids we used to eat this lovely dish at Stephanie Alexander’s lader cafe in Melbourne. In short it’s a flat bread spread with hommus with one or two fried runny egg (s) placed on top, chopped parsley and mint, with a sprinkle of nutmeg or cumin and a drizzle of lemon oil. Want to try? My husband then quietly slips away with our son and  does some male bonding watching Australian footy via livestream in his Charles Eames lounge chair which he got for this 40th last year.

Breakfast International {part fourty six}

Name: Sophie-Charlotte
Blog: Ma Petite Valisette

Kids: Victoria – 6,5 – Nicholas – 4 and James – 1

Really it’s not about breakfast anymore it’s about SURVIVING !
Who will get the most pancakes ? What will stop baby screaming to get his food in time ?
Is everybody around the table (or under : you’ll see why with the pictures) on time at the same time ?
So yes, 3 kids for me who don’t cook it’s a lot to deal with when I’m not even fully awake !
But I m very lucky to have this fantastic husband who cooks pancakes EVERY saturday morning for us (well, when he s not traveling… )

So the week-end always kicks off well when it’s PANCAKE TIIIIIIME !
and even the dog loves it :))

Breakfast International {part fourty five}

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breakfast international
breakfast international
breakfast international
breakfast international
Name: Nele Hinrichsen

Where do you live: Hamburg, Germany
Your kids name & age: Greta 3.5years and Rosa almost 1 year old

What do they have for breakfast:
Greta is eating wholemeal toast or German Broetchen with honey and jam together with orange juice or hot chocolate. She also loves fruits! Her favourites are strawberries and nectarines at the moment. Rosa is loving Banana and Joghurt after her morning milk, of course.

What do you and daddy have for breakfast:
First of all we need coffee! We love it with lots of warm milk. During the week we are eating toast as well, but at the weekends we are getting some Broetchen (totally German) from the bakery and having them together with homemade jam, honey, smoked salmon, crab salad, sometimes a boiled egg…
Some weekends we really crave “our” English breakfast…that’s Egg Benedict or scrambled eggs with salmon. I also loooove French toast with Maple syrup, but I don’t get it here as nice as in London:-(
Have to learn how to do it properly myself.

Breakfast International {part fourty four}

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breakfast international
breakfast international
breakfast international
breakfast international
breakfast internationalName: Sonia Rocha
Shop: Wolf & Rita

Where do you live:

Guimarães, Portugal.

Your kids name & age:

Afonso (3,5 years old) + Rita (14 months)

What do they have for breakfast:

Rita still drinks milk for babies and Afonso always drinks a cup of milk with barley and sometimes, if we are lucky, he eats a slice of bread with butter. If he could, he would eat biscuits everyday (we allow it on weekends).

What do you and daddy have for breakfast:

I need my coffee with soya milk to start the day plus a slice of bread and butter. Dad drinks orange juice and sometimes coffee.

Dad is always trying to read magazines or photo books while having breakfast but it is an impossible mission with small kids around the table.
Mum would just like to eat breakfast while seated… but she can’t as the back sound is Mummy milk is hot! Mummy milk is cold! Mum I want more milk! Mum I need to poo… so Mum always has morning exercise while having breakfast. She doesn’t need to go to the gym.

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