Breakfast International {part forty nine}

Name: Jack and Tina Fussell
Blog/ Shop: Flying House by Traveling Mama

Where do you live: Copenhagen, Denmark
Your kids name+ age: Hailey (12), Parker (8), Landon (4)

Family breakfast:
Typically, breakfast is a bit of a rush as the kids eat a quick bowl of cereal or oatmeal and my husband and I eat something light before heading to the gym, so on the weekends we like to take time to slow down and eat a nice big breakfast together. Every now and then we get a craving for southern biscuits, a staple if you come from the southern USA like we do. They can be filled with sausage, bacon, and eggs or eaten with a light touch of honey, but either way they always need a good smothering of rich butter first. Sometimes I let the kids choose their favorite such as chocolate chip pancakes or blueberry muffins but they always want boiled eggs and some fruit, too.

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