Beija Flor – new soft flooring collection

beija flor

Not that long ago I wrote about Beija Flor and their cool vinyl mats that look like pretty tiles and absolutely make a difference in any room.

We received many comments, messages and questions – especially on Social Media – and I know you like their styles, concept and products as much as we do. The mat we have in the kitchen is such a feast for the eye.

Beija Flor just launched a new soft flooring collection! And I am sure you are very curious to hear what this is all about…

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beija flor beija flor beija flor beija flor

This collection is all about the cozy feeling of soft flooring with the look of a handmade textile. Honoring cultures of the past, creating marvelous works of art by weaving, knitting, stitching and sewing. The mats are made from a cushion material that provides a comfortable and warm feel for your feet.

It is really funny – you have a mat that looks like vinyl but when you walk on it it is really comfy and soft. And warm. This is why we put it in Antoine’s & Leonor’s room – it can be a bit chilly in there, especially the floor. Now we have a good and beautiful solution.

beija flor

Beija Flor’s Prairie Collection of the soft flooring line is great for kids’ rooms. Light colours and happy designs!

This collection was digitally designed line by line, patch by patch to best replicate the spirits of time long ago.


The mat we have is the design called Sofia and the size is Large Room.






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