All about cacti

All about cactus

We had such a good and sunny week end and I hope you all enjoyed the same. It is such an energy boost to have light and we even had a little afternoon treat outside in a cute garden cafe… pure bliss!

And I am all over cacti right now {check this} … I think I will get a B I G one once we are back from our trip…

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So far I have my eyes on these:

1. Cacti straws.

2. Cactus print {lovely green tones}

3. Cacti swimsuit.

4. Cactus pencil case green.

5. Stylish cacti all over leggings.

6. Cactus Cardboard Plates.

7. Cactus tank top.

8. PlanToys Balancing Cactus.

9. Coolest leggings.

10. Cactus Slip Ons.

11. Cactus wool felt cushion.





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