A few things from this week {Friday list}

Paul&Paula blog: Georges Georges
Georges Georges.

Hello Friday… I am excited because it means it is nearly week end and this means, nice and long breakfasts and life in slow motion.
Do you have any plans?

Paul&Paula blog:  kids desks

Great selection of kids’ desks.

Lovely dress.

Paul&Paula blog:kerry and mase
Kerry & Mase.

Panda love.

Paul&Paula blog: MistrSandman
Cute rabbit mobile.

Awesome shot.

Paul&Paula blog: little heart poster

Little heart poster.

That is a cool parka!

Paul&Paula blog: Yellowpelota
Seesaw had to change name and is now YELLOWPELOTA.

I am posting here again – regularly.

Paul&Paula blog: kiddissimo

The founders of babyssimo now cater for older children too – check kiddissimo and get a 10% discount off everything with the code “PAULA” to celebrate!

What do people do all day?

Paul&Paula blog:efvva
Efvva launched a new collection with exquisite images.

Lovely plates and cups for kids that you can personalize.

Happy week end xoxo


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