Colourful children’s rooms in this Country House

Colourful children's rooms

This beautiful family home, just 1 1/2 hours outside New York City, has a very elegant and subtle country house atmosphere. You will enter and discover lots of grey and cream tones.

But once you come up to the children’s rooms you will be delighted to see colours. Fun, cool, fresh, and bright colours that are so surprising and so splendid at the same time.

And this family house is a real treat. Moreover, the surroundings are laid-back, simple, and just full of country life. Amenia did not change much over the last years and remains a little village with a shop, a church, and a restaurant.

And yet, I am pretty sure, that the family that comes up here to escape their busy city life, enjoys the peace, space, and greenery:


Colourful children's rooms

Colourful children's rooms

Colourful children's rooms 4

Colourful children's rooms 5

Colourful children's rooms 6

That yellow four poster bed is a stunner. I am with you.

And it really makes one to think about yellow in the house more seriously. If you want to copy the idea, I have the feeling that your best bet would be to buy a simple wooden four poster bed. And then you go and buy a sunny yellow colour and block a weekend for some DIY fun.

More, I love the wonderful bench under the windows. Something you see a lot in American homes and it always looks so cosy. The built in bookshelf that has a little ladder to reach to upper levels is a great idea and use of space.

Personally, I could actually look at the little girls’ room for hours…


pink bathroom

And how about a pink bathroom?

By the way – those storage baskets you see everywhere – you can get them here*. In various colours, including yellow.


stylish boys room

stylish boys room

stylish boys room

stylish boys room

The boy’s room is pretty cool too. And with the same cool bookshelf and window seat features. And instead of a yellow bed, there are a couple of yellow accessories to match.

Such refreshing rooms!

And if you like this place, I am pretty sure this modern family farmhouse is right down your alley too.


via Chango
Photography: Sarah Elliott

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