14 joyful things for your November!

14 joyful things for your November!

Sending you into the new months with some really cool stuff. Reads, finds and interiors. November is (nearly) here and I know… it is not everyone’s favourite month of the year.

So let’s just believe that the golden autumn weather will stay and in case of grey skies and rainy days… you can just enjoy this list.
By the way – are you all set for Halloween today?

I am so curious on what will happen here in London. Because in Sweden Halloween was not (yet) a big deal. Some parties, mostly at school, and maybe a bit of decoration at home. But not much trick or treating…
The kids are super excited, of course!
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wooden-toy-cooker flexa
Beautiful wooden toy kitchen from Flexa.

What does life look like for girls turning 18 in 2018? NY Times.


paperless card
We used these pretty e-cards from Paperless to share our new address with friends and family. Everyone loved them and lots followed our invitation to send a little card for our arrival at the new house. The children were so happy to find some snail mail when we arrived.
And the designs are so cute, that we will use them for holiday cards again! You can find designs from Rifle Paper, Marimekko, Kate Spade and many more…

Home inspiration!


WeeHeeHee book
Wee Hee Hee! So funny! My kids love it…

Not even two months left until Christmas! Time to check the decoration boxes…


scandinavian home amazing inspiring boho
If this house does not inspire you… well, then I do not know!

What do you know about breast health?


muima pom pom blanket
Loving the pom pom blankets from Muima.

Boho wall decorations!


meme kidswear
Meme – winning the black & white game every season!

Shower mat – the pretty version.


romey loves lulu
Hugo loves Tiki got a sister. Romey loves lulu!

As a big Studio Ghibli fan, I am especially excited to see their latest collaboration with Petit Bateau!


Enjoy your November!


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