Why Joséphine loves her new autumn shoes!

falcotto autumn shoes for young children

My little Jo is growing and just turned 3. Being the youngest of four she definitely picked up lots of things from her siblings and is quite ‘advanced’ for her age.

And of course she wants, can and needs to do everything by herself. So when it came to picking a pair of new shoes for autumn, I knew that we needed a pair that she can put on by herself.
And they need to be fun and somehow cute too. Of course. That probably goes without saying, haha.

So once her new autumn shoes arrived and we took them out of the box, little Miss Jo started putting them on like a pro. As a next, step she started to discover the beautiful embroideries. Which then became a little language play and we found all the names in all languages we have in the family together.
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falcotto autumn shoes for young children
falcotto autumn shoes for young children

This delightful shoe is adorned with hearts, butterflies, and stars and makes a really cool yet romantic sneaker.

I think that the mix of delicate details, the easy velcro fastening, and sturdy rubber soles are perfect for my three-year-old. (the shoe is available with laces or in silver as well)

The other day, when I picked her up from daycare, we had to chat about fjärilar (Swedish for butterflies) whilst putting on her jacket and shoes. How small they are and how difficult it is to catch them. That they fly very high and that Joséphine would like to follow them on their journey one day. Isn’t always inspiring to let yourself in, in these little adventures? Putting on little butterfly wings and taking a little break from our busy schedules?!


falcotto autumn shoes for young children

falcotto autumn shoes for young children

falcotto autumn shoes for young children

Ready to take her new dog out for a run!


In collaboration with Falcotto, a long-term partner we value and who values us and our readers!

All images: Paul & Paula



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