Curated previous seasons clothes for babies and children

beyond tot

Style-conscious mums and dads – this is for you and you will like it! There is a new kid in town and it makes your hunt for high quality and adorable children’s clothing at affordable prices a whole lot easier!

Beyond Tot is a new London based online shop which sells a curated selection of previous seasons clothes and accessories.
Selected for babies and children in a range of designs and styles from eco-chic to heritage. And what makes them really stand out is the fact that the two owners, Yana & Anita, are literally going to warehouses and finding past seasons stock of beautiful clothes. Taking the work from the brands who have stock but no space, resources and time to market them.

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Curated previous seasons clothes for babies and children

Therefore Beyond Tot can offer really good deals on luxury and style brands from across the world. Otherwise, they may have been un-affordable or very expensive originally!

Brands include Sproet and Sprout, Bonheur Du Jour and Mini Rodini amongst others. Sourced from the world’s most trendy brands for children between 0 and 12 years.

Everything is at least 30-40% cheaper than their original price and with giving past seasons collections a new life the earth will thank these two inspiring mums too!

We received samples in return for this article. Thank you Beyond Tot!



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