Just a normal Saturday with four children in the house

a normal Saturday with four children in the house
How was your week end? It looks like we are having a ‘soft’ autumn and can enjoy the lovely temperatures a little longer. On the other hand I was reading another article about climate change this morning and those mild temperatures do not feel so tempting anymore. Let’s not get all ‘big topic’ here (there are other blogs for that out there) but it is definitely something to keep in mind

And to be honest, we are more busy with holes in the wall and sorting out wardrobes and cupboards than walks in the park. So when I was thinking about taking pictures of the kids in their new Autumn wardrobe, I was not tempted at all to do some ‘styled stuff’. I felt more like – lets just show them how they are. And how we are, here… with four kids in the house.

Between the ages of three and eleven. Playing, running, jumping, loving, shouting and so on… because there is always at least one little person up to something in our house.

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a normal Saturday with four children in the house

a normal Saturday with four children in the house

a normal Saturday with four children in the house

a normal Saturday with four children in the house

I won’t show you my children crying or being mad at each other (and yes, that happens too here!) because I do not feel it would be right, but I guess you can visualize the thin line we have between the sibling bond and annoyance.

Me, me. That is not fair! Why can he have this? Can we watch TV? (after they were allowed to play on the ipad for a bit) Can I have candy? (for breakfast) Where is my yellow-special-horse-rainbow-light-sparkly pen? What do we have for diner? (with diner on the table)

Humour is a big help if you want some advice from me. Really, sometimes I just laugh… and think: What else can I do? Crying? Laughing is much better and usually somebody joins in…


a normal Saturday with four children in the house

a normal Saturday with four children in the house

a normal Saturday with four children in the house

a normal Saturday with four children in the house

Oh and, apparently the thing of boredom is still a thing, and seen to be a good and to help children to grow their creativity. Because for one reason or another, even with four children in the house, they do manage to be bored.

Or they found something they want to do. By themselves and another little person thinks he can just crash the party. ‘Mamaaaa… can you take xy?’

Sometimes I just pause and watch them too. Thinking about their characters and how they are so different. And also the same. It is funny, especially when you go all poetic and see that they all grew in my belly.

And you know, in the end. All the chaos and craziness is exhausting and leaves very little room for my own boredom, it is also rewarding and we would not like it any other way.

In collaboration with Soft Gallery. A brand we all love and my crew really appreciates. I had them select their outfits by themselves because I wanted them to have pieces THEY love (not me). Each little person has his own personality and that should reflect in their clothing choice too.

Romy (my eldest)
Skirt: Mandy
Jumper: Leonia
Hoodie: Simon
Pants: Jules
Dress: Anemone
Jacket: Barby (OMG she was so excited when she saw it in real!)
Josephine (the ‘baby’)
Top: Maddy
Pants: Louise

All images: Paul & Paula



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