Kids rooms with a boho vibe

kids interiors
via Northern Sisters

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How are you?
For these interior posts I usually bookmark articles, stories and other sources whenever I spot something I like. Sometimes it is a complete house or apartment and sometimes it is just a picture. And after a while I have all these things bookmarked and try to go through finding a red line for a great post. Ha…

Sounds fun but sometimes the things I like do not always have the same theme. Or there is one image I love and absolutely want to share and then I need to find more to accomplish.

And that is basically how I came to today’s theme. I love this room on the first image. Luckily I found a few more quickly and voila, kids room ideas to the brim. With a boho vibe.

I especially love all the accessories in these rooms. There is so much to see and discover. So inspiring!

Top: Great idea to build the bed on storage space. Functional and smart.

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kids interiors

kids interiors

Via Elle
Photo: Ulrika Nihlén

Beautiful wallpaper and the bed from Leander make this a great mix of modern design and vintage finds. You can get the stand to attach the canopy to make a lovely nest!

kids interiors

via The Wiegands

kids interiors

via Four Cheeky Monkeys

Colurful boho mix for little people.


What kind of rooms or themes would you like to see here? Any wishes? Nursery, teen room, small space or …
Tell me!

Sometimes I feel like I would love to build a cool bed or shelf or something to. Make something we use ourselves.
Or maybe we start with a cool chalkboard wall as a DIY project.




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