Wooden Toys {Gift Guide 2016}

Wooden Toys {gift guide}
Next to my big love for everything knitted, I have another very soft spot: Wooden Toys!

Well made, pure wooden toys. I shared many during the years here on Paul & Paula and I tried to find a few not so common and rather new products for this gift guide. I hope you enjoy and that I can inspire you. These toys are true keepsakes and will bring joy for years to come:
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1. Shopping cart.

2. Wooden dolls by Donna Wilson.

3. Colourful stack-able rocket.

4. A pair of wobbly wooden rabbits.

5. Beautiful wooden animals from t-lab.

6. Pinch Memory – one of the prettiest memory games I know.

7. Wooden totem pole.

8. Tegu future.

9. Set of wooden fairy tale characters.

10. Banjo.

11. Cool tower game.

12. Wobbling penguin.

13. Cat Wooden Teething Ring.

14. Colour stacking tower.

15. Prairie wagon!

16. Monochrome Grimms rainbow.





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