Dainty Cheeks

Dainty Cheeks
Oh my… these little friends are just to good to be missed. Dainty Cheeks brings details and passion to a whole new level …

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Chrissy, the designer & founder, started making these adorable creatures because she wanted to give “something special” to her daughter for her birthdays and other celebrations. And she just could not find what she had in mind – the something really memorable and different and started making it herself… well when you see what she creates you are glad she had to start making gifts!

Dainty Cheeks
Each piece is thought up, cut out, stitched together and made with love – a true representation of handmade. All designs are made in limited quantities to embody a real one of a kind nature. With a combination of new and up cycled/vintage fabrics, many Dainty Cheeks pieces not only have a bright future, but a sweet past as well.

Here is the shop: Dainty Cheeks


PS: Chrissy also designs clothes… sometimes… like this very sweet cotton dress that has the perfect modern vintage look!




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