Hello Joséphine!

meeting the baby
Two weeks ago she was born. In the afternoon… another little wonder.

Welcomed with big hearts and lots of anticipation.

Two weeks passed as a family of six… and I am not sure I am really “there” yet… S I X… !

Right now it feels more like time stopped and we live in a bubble. The baby bubble.

The atmosphere in the house is different. Nearly silent… compared…

She is so small and fragile. Again you are impressed how S M A L L and how big a newborn sized onesie can be.

Welcome to the world and welcome to our family little Joséphine.

meeting the baby
meeting the baby
meeting the baby
meeting the baby

These pictures have been taken a week ago. Not easy to get all four in one picture…

You can find many more pictures of the little one and her siblings on my Instagram… which I use so much more at the moment, my little breastfeeding feed ;)

meeting the baby
meeting the baby
Fourty toes, four pairs of shoes…

meeting the baby

The beautiful shell shaped duvet/ sleeping bag is from Kutikai and part of the “Farewell to Summer” initiative which in house means: Good Bye Summer – Welcome New Baby!




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