The people behind the online stores {part six}

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Your name and age: Carl Shaw, 42 (and a half) / Married to Clare and we have three children (3, 6 and 9 years)

Where do you live: Worcester – in the heart of the United Kingdom (famous for Worcestershire Sauce)

Shop: Toyella ( designer children toys)

What did you do before you started the shop: Toyella is our second business. It’s a subsidiary business of Big Room Internet which is a web design company which I still head up.
I was originally trained as a graphic designer and have 25 years experience in the design business.

And how did you get the idea to open an online shop: A combination of my two passions: family and the design business.
Our parent company created e-commerce websites for its customers and we really wanted to create our own e-business – but didn’t know what to trade in.
At home one day I was searching for some Christmas presents for the children and found it difficult to find nice original toys online. Eureka! We’ll sell or own designer toys!

As for the name, my eldest of three children is called….Ella. You get the rest.

How do you choose the products and/or collections you sell: We are very selective and will only choose the best of brands and best in range.
A visit to Nuremberg Toy Fair each February is a fantastic trip. Europe’s biggest and best toy fair. We actively seek out smaller manufacturers there who not currently represented in the UK or Europe…choosing brands that are considered to be too niche by larger wholesalers who are only interested in volume sales.

We like to be the first to bring new products to the UK and champion the best in toy design.

Of course, style blogs such as Paul & Paula are also invaluable resources for worldwide products.
All our products have to be practical, engaging, long life and stylish of course….from the product to the packaging. They have to be nice enough not to want to tidy away!

What is the most fun part of this adventure: The child in me loves the freedom of choosing and retailing toys that we want and like…. but in the knowledge that we’re offering something unique to the market – bringing pleasure to children and parents alike.

What do you think will be the next trend: Parents are getting increasing concerned with the amount of time their children are spending at the computer, Facebook, Wii or TV.
We find it hard to source nice traditional and inventive outdoor toys and games.
I’d like to think more toys will come on the market that utilise ‘fresh air’ and face to face social interaction as the need for traditional play becomes a greater priority for parents.

Advice: Stick to the principles you set out and go with your instinct.

{Thank you Carl!}

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