Breakfast International {part thirtyseven}

Name: Petra
Blog/ Shop:

Where do you live: Budapest, Hungary
Your kids name+ age: Pavle 3.5, Ilija 9 months

What do they have for breakfast: I would love to be the mum who wakes up before everyone in the morning and welcomes her perfect family in a beautiful kitchen smelling of freshly baked bread and cocoa.
The reality, however, is a tiny bit different. No one in our family seems to be the breakfast person. Mornings in our house are not dreamy. Pavle, if asked, would have gummy bears for breakfast. So we “bribe” him to eat his breakfast with a threat there will be no gummy bears if he doesn’t eat it. Ilija, on the other hand, is only just developing his love for foods…all over the floor, and his face, and everything else.
Needless to say, not much of his food gets eaten…unless you count Bella the dog licking away.

What do you and daddy have for breakfast: Coffee, coffee, coffee…We used to love having big breakfasts when on vacation, before we had kids.
Now it is just not possible, so this year we often took the breakfast outside. Biking, dog-walking, fishing, fig eating whatnot breakfasts in Croatia.

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