Best ice cream

ice cream


I love ice cream. I am not hiding it and I could eat it all the time, anytime and all year round.
Good ice cream will always make me happy and it is a long time favourite to share a nice pot of ice cream with my husband… when all kids are in bed {psssssssst}

So of course I know where to find my happiness in my favourite cities… and I thought, in the middle of the travel season, I will share these hot spots with you!
No summer city break with kids without lots of ice cream stops…

Where to find the best ice cream {my gusto} in:


They expanded quite a lot since we moved here and there is now a branch rather close to our house, they do know me very well.
Usually open from around April until October {depending on the weather} and some of the spots sell stamppots {read all about it here} during the winter season.
Check the website for the best ice of Amsterdam near you!


Already a bit more difficult because in Germany we like our ice salons and especially in Berlin there are many!
So this is difficult but my vote goes to Aldimir. Hard to beat. Every year they come up with new creations, make all ice cream as well as the waffles themselves and the only minus: it is very hard to decide as there are many yummy flavours!


Big city, lots of choice… but my vote goes to: Gelatorino
Authentic flavours made from ethically sourced organic ingredients!


When we were still living in Paris they just opened their first branch… luckily in one of my favourite corners so it quickly became our “after diner” treat.
By now they expanded a lot and the ice is still as amazing. Every time we book a ticket to Paris, I see the Amorino sign in front of me :)
Check here for all addresses!

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