Happy Birthday Leonor!

1st birthday
1st birthday
One year she turned 10 days ago.

She joined our family one year ago to make it complete. She joined us with a head full of black hair and was crazy in love with her siblings from day one. And now we are eating her first Birthday cake.

She is funny, full of character and wants to go quicker than her little legs can take her.
1st birthday
1st birthday
1st birthday
We had a very small “party” yet a beautiful and wonderful day.
Cake, party hats, balloons, singing and lots of kisses and laughter

If you follow this blog for a bit longer you probably saw me with the big belly, saw her new born pictures and step by step how she grows….
The year definitely went by fast but I guess this is just the path of life with kids.

{little buddy above is her partner in crime… }

1st birthday
Happy Birthday sunshine

 Images: Paul & Paula


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