Antoine’s & Leonor’s room

sibling kids room//love
Finally I have the pictures from the other room ready.

It is the shared bedroom of Antoine & Leonor however…. you might wonder why there is only one bed. Leonor’s bed is in our bedroom however even there it is more a piece of furniture than a bed as she sleeps with us all the time.

This room here, especially because you can access it via the kitchen, is often the playroom for all three of them. Antoine’s bed is in here but even he still likes to sleep together with his big sister in her room. {she has a pull-out bed so it is easy to open it up for him}

The glow-in-the-dark-print says “home is where your heart is” – an important message for a family that likes to move around.

sibling kids room
sibling kids room
The tipi is a nice place to read books or just have some quiet time!

sibling kids room//noe&zoe bed linen
sibling kids room//rafa kids//noe&zoe bed linen
His bed is from Rafa-Kids and beautiful to look at plus very comfortable!

Together with the cool bed linen from Noé & Zoë a great combo for little boys {and girls}.

The wall sticker is from fourmonkeys and I like to give him these words when he goes off for the night…
sibling kids room
sibling kids room//max in the box
sibling kids room//max in the box
Leonor loves her MAXintheBOX – a modular table-chair combination from Perludi.
She really enjoys that she can get in and sit all by herself and has a little desk to look at her books or play.
And it does not take much space – you can easily put the 2 pieces together and you have a cube.

Antoine loves to stand on it and look out of the window – checking if daddy is getting home.

sibling kids room
sibling kids room
sibling kids room
Really like these boxes in different sizes and shapes to display some of their toys.

In some of them we put rooms so it is a bit like a doll house.

sibling kids room
sibling kids room
We have these, very useful but not super charming, big ward robes in some rooms and I put some wall stickers to make it look more playful.

I hope you likes this little tour, I will update you with news as I might just change something tomorrow or finally get around some DIY projects I have on my list…

Here is Romy’s room which I need to show you again because I changed the lay out!

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