Minä Perhonen kids

mina perhonen

mina perhonen

mina perhonen

I’m loving these bold and beautiful prints by Minä Perhonen kids.
This brand is the creation of a Japanese designer Akira Minagawa who is very famous for his fabrics and women clothes {just talked about it on Paul&Paula MUM yesterday here} started a kids line and it is just as wonderful!

Super cute and colourful!  It is tricky to get your hands on the kids stuff but check their retailers or maybe you are lucky and you are in Japan, going soon or a friend going soon or lies there… really… check your connections :)

I adore all the beautiful patterns and details! Swoon to the max…

The cardis are probably my favourites if that is possible to tell as everything is just great but as a big cardi lover and if I would have to decide… what would you get?

mina perhonen


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