Best books for kids – by Marie Brandelet

best kids books
Marie lives in Tokyo, Japan but is originally from France/ Switzerland. She has 2 kids, a boy and a girl and must be one of the sweetest person
I know. We met at Playtime {many people I met there… good socializing event} and I had a really lovely time with her. Marie owns a beautiful hand made universe called Etincelle Creative Studio.

Here are the 5 books of this very multicultural family:

1. La Princesse qui n’avait pas de royaume by Ursula Jones, illustration by Sarah Gibb

My daughter received this book from her Godmother on her birthday two years ago. I was blown away by the quality of the illustration and I never miss a chance to point it out whenever we read this book. All the details! I believe my daughter loves it much more than my son actually does…

2. Harry and Horsie by Katie Van Camp, illustration by Lincoln Agnew

I happen to meet the author who is currently based in Tokyo. Love at first sight, I bought the two books on the spot and offered them to the kids for Christmas two years ago. Again blown away by the quality of the illustration, and the story which is easy to read and understand by even a 3 year old. Both books are actually our favorites!

3. Le géant de Zeralda by Tomi Ungerer

This one is a childhood favorite of mine. I found it at Bonton two years ago, it made me so happy, really! My kids love it, I think the character of the “ogre” fascinates them – he’s kind of scary, just look at the cover! Happy ending so everything is fine.

4. Stick Man by Julia Donaldson, illustration by Axel Sheffler

My son received it at the school Christmas celebration last year. It was our second book by Jukia Donaldson after the Gruffalo and it quickly became a big favorite. The story and again the rich illustration makes it a very enjoyable read with children of all ages.

5. Boucles d’Or et les trois ours by Gerda Muller ( I grew up with this edition by Rose Celli which I am very attached to as well)

Again a favorite of my childhood. They received this one from their French Mamie (grand-mother), and my son would ask me to read it several days in a row until I beg him to chose another book. I make a point to read it exactly the way I remember my father reading it to me, with extra details and the right tone of voice. The illustrations are adorable, I am sure to keep it for my grand children :-)

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