Bandit kids

Paul&Paula blog: bandit kids
Paul&Paula blog: bandit kids
Paul&Paula blog: bandit kids
Paul&Paula blog: bandit kids
Paul&Paula blog: bandit kids
Paul&Paula blog: bandit kids
When you open the website of Bandit kids and the first thing you see is a Beastie Boys poster you just know you are at the right place!

“We make threads for cool little bandits to run wild and free!”

A mixture of cool, rad, skate and indie with every every item carefully handmade, all images hand drawn and then screen printed by hand.

“We know our clothing needs to be able to bend, stretch, flip, fly, fall, soar… so we will always endeavor to produce long-lasting, strong, quality garments. We want to encourage our Bandits to hand-me-down their Bandit Kids clothing, and reduce the footprint we all place on the earth. Our clothing should be keepers, ones that little brothers and sisters, cousins, friends, neighbours, will be happy to inherit.”

A new brand from Australia that one has to watch. I showed this to my boy and he loves it…

Paul&Paula blog: bandit kids
Paul&Paula blog: bandit kids

Check here for a retailer near you!

PS: That little message above should be everywhere!

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