6 Nursery Decorating Tips All New Parents Need To Know


There is an endless array of decisions that come with raising a tiny and delicate child. Though some of these decisions can be very hard and difficult, one of them is quite easy and fun. This is the decision of designing and decorating the nursery.

Any couple who puts a lot of effort into the design and décor of their house can’t neglect their baby’s nursery. There are many ways to decorate a nursery. Here is a list of some tips that every parent must know when they are decorating their child’s nursery:


Use Blackout Curtains

Many people use amazing curtains that are made of light fabric in the nursery. These curtains may look great for the time being, but when you try to put your child to sleep, they can be a great hindrance. You should make sure that the lighting of your nursery can always mimic nighttime. Therefore you should invest some heavy curtains that can block a lot of light or a window shade.
The minds of babies are wired to sleep better at night, and newborn children have to sleep for a long time. And when it’s time for a nap during the day, the light from outside can be a real problem. So, make sure that you are able to control the lighting of your room to ensure a peaceful and relaxing sleep for your child. You can also opt for a two-layer curtain with one layer. This is very elegant and compliments the design of the room and another layer of blackout curtains that you can use at nap time.

Extra tip: Natural light from the sun is also good for babies so don’t keep them in the dark all the time. Instead, you should take them out in the natural light for the wire when they are awake. All in all, the two-layer curtain system is the best to control lighting in the room.

Buy a Crib That Matches Your Nursery’s Décor

There are many cribs available in the market. Some are quite simple and bland, but there are others which are quite elegant and beautifully designed. The crib is the main focal point of a nursery, and the design of the crib can significantly improve the décor of the whole room. So, chose an elegantly designed crib according to the colors and theme of the nursery to make the room pop. The right kind of bedding for the crib is also very important. The bedding should be of good quality, and it should be according to the design of the rest of the room. Try to get bedding in a color that is easy to clean.


Example: Convertible crib from Oeuf that you can be used for toddlers (up to 6) too


Design the Changing Station Correctly

We all know that babies come with dirty diapers. There is no way to avoid it. This experience can be made pleasant by making sure that your changing station is designed correctly. And that all the essentials of cleaning up and changing your child are near you and can be reached easily by hand.
Firstly, you need to make a choice of where you want to set up the changing station. You can either get a separate changing table or you can get a simple changing pad that can be added on the top of a dresser for example. It all depends on how much space you have. The best thing about opting for a changing pad on a dresser is that when the child grows the dresser can be repurposed.
Add bins and baskets close to the changing stations to dispose of the dirty diapers and clothes. And have a shelf or a drawer that has all the other changing essentials like clean diapers, wipes, lotion and a change of clothes. If you are using a separate changing table, make sure to keep the dresser close by so that you have quick access to the child’s clothes.

Tip: Keep some toys nearby so that the child has something to play with while you are doing your business.

Use Washable Wallpaper

Sometimes things get dirty while cleaning up a baby and for situations when the walls get dirty, you should have washable wallpaper. So that you don’t have to worry about stains and dirt staying on the wall.

Introduce Some Rugs & Chairs To The Décor

It is very important to add chairs and a rug to the nursery. There should be a chair for the parents where they can hold and feed their child comfortably. Make sure that the chairs match the theme and design of the rest of the room.
You can also add some amazing rugs and carpeting to the room to make it more comfortable. Sisal rugs are a very common design element these days, and they can make the room look more elegant instantly. These rugs are also quite durable and comfortable to sit on, and they are made from organic materials, making them an environment-friendly choice.


Example: The super comfortable and never out of style Eames DAW chair


Incorporate Some Artwork in the Design

Adding some artwork to any room can instantly make it more elegant and classy. You should do the same with your child’s nursery. You should set a theme for your nursery and add artwork that goes with the theme.
A quite common theme that is getting quite popular among parents recently is the nature theme. This is great for the child, and it makes the room very soothing and comfortable. The color green is known to have a very calming effect on people so it is very good for a nursery and you can add paintings and other artwork that is also nature inspired to make an amazing nursery for your baby.

Have a wonderful day!

Author: Julie Hilton is a young woman who loves interior designing and home decor. She is passionate
about fashion forward home décor ideas as well as ‘pop of color’ art and visionary designs. You
can read her blogs at rugknots.com.


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