Road trip part SEVEN – San Luis Obispo & Monterey Bay Area

big sur

We left Santa Barbara and took the train again and for the last time. The journey from SB to San Luis Obispo takes you along the ocean for most of the time – it is absolutely stunning. Plus the train has ‘sight wagons’ – where you sit like in a glass house. There was even a person that was speaking and shared lots of historical infos about the places etc…
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Arrived in San Luis Obispo short SLO in the afternoon we checked into our hotel, little toilet tour for everyone and off we went into town.

san luis obispo san luis obispo san luis obispo san luis obispo

The same evening, lucky us, was the day of the weekly farmers market / food festival. Diner was sorted and we tried a Tri Tip Sandwich.

We stayed for 2 nights. The next day we had breakfast at Scout, stopped at the Bubble Gum alley, had a good break at a brilliant playground, afternoon tea at Cafe Kreuzberg, found some books and a rare LP at Barnes & Nobles …

And then we tried a new method of transportation. We picked up a car or better mini van in our case! Next stop was Pacific Grove in the Monterey Bay area buuuut before we hit the road we had to stop at the Madonna Inn just outside SLO!

madonna inn madonna inn

And what a fun place. Several people recommended a stop here… all for a different reason: cake, toilets, shop, glasses… put it all together, add a whole lotta kitsch and colour and you got it!


pacific grove pacific grove

Arrived in Pacific Grove we learned that it was the biggest night of the village – it was Lantern Festival showdown with party and fireworks by the beach!

Lovely start to  our 3 days stay.

17 mile drive 17 mile drive 17 mile drive 17 mile drive

Day one: We went to Carmel by the sea. A very cute little town with lots of galleries and a great beach. From there we entered the 17 miles drive. A scenic drive along the Monterey Bay Area and 17 stops – cliffs, beaches, sea lions, views etc… fabulous!

big sur big sur big sur big sur big sur

Day two: BIG SUR! Most amazing place but also a sad ride at this moment. Big wildfire going on and we were not even sure if we could (wanted) to go. We did and had an extraordinary day. A day were we realised just how man things we saw and did during the trip… Our big stop was Pfeiffer Beach!


seelions seelions seelions

Then it was time to change locations again.  Quite a few stops for the last weeks. This time we changed into a ranch in the mountains. Totally different, super quiet and special.

But before we stopped at Elkhorn Slough/Moss Landing State Wildlife Area to watch some seals and sea lions.

corralitos ranch corralitos ranch corralitos ranch

And then we arrived in another form of paradise! In the woods. Just us…

(Still in the Monterey Bay area and the coast was a 15 min drive away)

hidden beach hidden beach hidden beach

Hidden Beach & Playground – a germ, and just as the name says… hidden… only 8 parking slots… beautiful beach.

We then took off to Santa Cruz. Our last week… soon more here!

And of course on Instagram.



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