The natural room of six year old Sonny Lou

Interior Tuesday with this cool room. All natural and the home of Sonny Lou, who is 6 years old. He must have so much fun living here. I would totally move in as well.

Anna, his mum, has so much talent and created a beautiful universe. Tone in tone, simple and yet so many details. So much to discover… you can just re-visit the photos again and again.

What do you think? You like it? It has some boho flair too, no?

And we can say that it is natural and also neutral. Gender neutral. The perfect colour palette for a kids room that can be the home of a boy or a girl. Without loosing its charm or warmth.

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The bed is so cool and I wish we were a little more handy in this family. And could build such cool things. So much storage space and it does not look bulky at all.

And can I tell you a little secret? I do not like brown. Never did and probably never will… I cannot explain exactly why but the max I can do for brown is a fantastic leather piece. And it has to be really great and look just better in brown than black. But what I want to say is, I still love this room. It just works.

Enjoy your room little Sonny. For years to come…

All images and inspo from Northern Sisters.
This room was featured in the lovely Family Living magazine here in Sweden.



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