Meet Joel Henriques

Made by Joel is one of my favourite blogs. Lots of inspiration. Simple yet surprising.
If you follow the blog you surely noticed that Joel is a very busy man with lots of projects.
As I like to feature blogs, the people who write them and great ideas on my own blog I did a tiny tiny mini interview with Joel.

P & P: You are a very busy man with a blog, your art, a book and lots of projects for various brands and shops… wow…. And in the beginning you were a “stay at home dad” who had a few hours to keep on with his art… how is that now? How do you do it all? Ok, lots of Qs in one but really… what is the recipe?

J: In short, I work really fast. Also, a lot of the “work” I do involves the kids; making toys with them etc. So it’s nice that I get to play with them and work at the same time.

P & P: What are YOUR plans for the future?

J: Just keep making more art, toys, music… – I love all of it.

P & P: I guess that a lot of toys in your house are *Made by Joel*, do you go out and buy toys as well? Please chare your favourite toys!

J: We do buy a lot of art supplies. My daughter loves to paint. Also, we buy a lot of Lego. I have a good collection from when I was a child, and it’s also my son’s favorite thing to do. So yes, we buy lots of paint and Lego.

Thank you very much Joel! Looking forward to see what you have for us in 2011.

Last week I made these cool Nesting dolls I found on the blog. Fun and so easy that even my sewing skills were enough. KleinA loves them, actually he cannot stop laughing when I take them out, which means I take them with me when we go out. Just in case… my emergency helper now. And KleinR likes to play with them and see her brother laugh.

Made by Joel.

Made by Paul & Paula.

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