Makedo – the perfect gift



Birthday invitations can give you a hard time when it comes to the gift… at least for me as I love to find something nice and useful and definitely outside the pony, barbie and bob selection. My kids are not really helpful when asked what their friends would like either, think “I don’t know” and off they go… and then I discovered Makedo!

Using the various elements in the kits children can recycle cardboard, plastic, fabric and other materials to create new objects and structures – the ultimate eco-friendly gift! Makedo is only limited by the materials at hand. For boys and girls and believe me, all parents like it too!

Each Makedo set is a combination of these three parts:

The re-clip is a pin and a clip which are used to clamp materials together and is easily removed with a simple squeeze to use again.

The lock-hinge pivots freely or locks into a fixed position. It is used to join or create a corner between two materials or be used to form a swiveling moving part such as a door or the visor on a knights helmet.

The safe-saw is the tool of the kit and can be used to punch holes and cut through various types of card without risk of injury.

Best thing: You can simply pull the constructions apart and make something new.

Apart from the freeplay kit, you can get a kit to make a playhouse or a robot!

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