Kids party food recipes {sweet}

kids party food
kids party food
kids party food
What more to love than easy recipes that look mouth watering and are a hit with kids and adults alike?

Both treats you see above I made for KleinR’s party and especially the marshmallows were a real attraction!

Marshmallow Pops

bag of marshmallows (the round ones work best)
icing (I went for the shop bought version, pink colour, just some warming up and ready to go)
colourful sprinkles of all kinds

Now put a few marshmallows on the skewers. Have your icing and sprinkles ready for use.
Little bowl for the icing and a plate for the sprinkles.
Dip each marshmallow in the icing and right after that in the sprinkles.
Repeat until no more marshmallows left…

I put mine in a glass to keep them up and let the icing dry.

Done and really that easy and really that beautiful result and so many possibilities…

Strawberry Pancake Skewers

pancakes and if you live in The Netherlands you can get Poffertjes as they are already in the perfect size – otherwise you can make them yourself or get/make pancakes and cut tiny ones with a cookie cutter

Now you slice your strawberries and heat up the poffertjes/ pancakes and assemble both on a stick.
Arrange on a plate and cover slightly with some icing sugar.
Done again and who does not love pancakes with strawberries? Exactly…

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