Good Boy Friday

Good Boy Friday
Good Boy Friday
Good Boy Friday High Res
Good Boy Friday
The wonderful and so talented Kellee Bachour from Good Boy Friday answered a few questions about her boys label.

How did you come up with the name?
I was reading and there was a story titled Guy Friday, I thought it was clever and it stuck with me. I thought, what about Boy Friday? – a day for boys, a day to celebrate the gift of little boys. I wanted it to be more personal so I added “good” since my Good Boy is: Gideon Bachour. Gideon’s initials are part of the name.

What is your brand’s mission statement or purpose? Why do you design the way you do?
I wanted to create clothes that are tailored but as comfortable as sweatpants and knit tees. I created an exterior adjustment that looks great and functions well reduces bulk around busy toddler waists and is easy for boys to pull up and down during potty training years.
My focus was also on color. Walking into the boys department always seems dark and limiting, I wanted color, lots of color. Half his closet was dark blue. I believe boys don’t need to be limited in color choices.

Do you have any specific inspirations or motivations in your design? Colors? Other clothing styles? Is there a style decade that you are inspired by?
Every season is inspired by something. It could be a piece of vintage children’s clothes I found or even a children’s book. My eyes and ears are always open; I love feedback from other moms. I’m inspired by the colors of California and the innocence of European children’s clothes.

How did you get started in this industry?
I think I have a story like most mamapreneur’s pursuing children-related businesses.
Pre-baby I worked for a major ad agency but left it to start a family. Two years at home and I was anxious to go back to work. I decided to brush up my resume and took classes from Parsons in fashion in NYC. Looking for work and Gideon started school…I’m obsessed with dressing him and couldn’t find what I was looking for or it wasn’t comfortable to wear or the fit was wrong…. it started with a sketch, then a pattern, a prototype and it just kept going.

How long have you been in the industry? How long has your brand been in the industry?
My son would say one and a half years – don’t forget the half!

What do you have coming up in the future involving your brand that you are excited about?
We just signed with a wonderful showroom in Dallas, so we are looking forward to dressing kids in the south and about to send an order to France to introduce good boy friday to Europe as well as growing our market in Australia.
The line will grow in total styles offered as well as the size range.

Thank you Kellee and I can tell you those skinny pants are ace, my son has them and he looks so cool.
Another must have are the “salopette” shorts – the cutest!

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