Easter Treats from Flora & Henri Children’s Clothing

Easter Treats from Flora & Henri Children's Clothing
Good Morning and a very Happy Easter Monday to all of you… I hope you had a great and sunny week end and found lots of eggs.

I also have a little treat here for you… some lovely {not just for} Easter treats from Flora and Henri who just launched their new summer collection.
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Easter Treats from Flora & Henri Children's Clothing
Easter Treats from Flora & Henri Children's Clothing
Easter Treats from Flora & Henri Children's Clothing
Check these adorable dresses, cute shoes and more… { i mean}

And… here is the extra treat: New customers get 10% off their first order using the coupon code NEWLOVE10. Enjoy! So worth it…

Happy Summer!


We will be in Seattle this summer {during our big trip} and I hope to stop by their brick and mortar shop to see it live… I just love their selection and I am sure things are even prettier in real.




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