Briar – handmade bonnets

Briar - handmade bonnets
Made for little people and little moments you wish to remember forever! These baby bonnets are special and  made of the best materials for style, quality, and function.

Briar Handmade bonnets are simply beautiful and a must have for every baby {and such a great little & special gift}
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Briar - handmade bonnets
Briar - handmade bonnets
Briar - handmade bonnets
Briar - handmade bonnets
Briar - handmade bonnets
Founder, Rachel Goode, began creating her signature bonnets shortly after the birth of her daughter. She could not find tie-hats that were both beautiful and functional and took it into her own hands. The response to her handmade and heartfelt bonnets was outstanding and that was the beginning of Briar Handmade.
Briar - handmade bonnets
Based in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, all bonnets are proudly and carefully manufactured in the USA.

This kind of bonnet is very well known here in Sweden as well, unfortunately you do not see many babies & kids wearing them anymore. I love this little touch of ” old school”, paired with a good knitted cardigan or a simple dress depending on the weather…


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