Atlas of The Human Body

The Human Body - Atlas
The Human Body - Atlas
The Human Body - Atlas

Romy’s big topic at school at the moment is the human body. They learn about systems, anatomy and all the parts we have to live and what they do… very complex but also super interesting.

I love doing the “creative” homework with her – we already tried to feel and count the bones in our hand. Made a skeleton with q tips and cotton pads…

So when this exquisite book came along it was just the perfect timing!

Atlas of the human body – a journey through the human body both figuratively and literally. With detailed pencil illustrations by Kanitta Meechubot, the body is separated into layers on each page, and each layer is die-cut to show the layers underneath. As the pages are turned, young readers will find themselves traveling through the body in a way that will delight and inspire.

Romy is loves to take it out and read some more about organs and parts of our bodies and also play a little to find out where everything is placed! A beautiful book with a pretty cover to keep and treasure and perfect as a gift too.




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