Playtime Tokyo {part one}

1 Entrance Art_Masami Shinkawa

My name is Marie Maglaque, I am a party stylist and designer at Etincelle Creative STUDIO currently living in Tokyo, Japan – but originally from France. I am super happy to report about Playtime Tokyo here on Paul and Paula, enjoy the read!

Playtime Tokyo took place in Shibuya, one of the busiest and most vibrant area of Tokyo with an easy access by public transport. About 250 brands were represented at the fair, some from Japan (Arch and Line, Enn Hüt, Ami Amie…) or Australia (Haveli Design) and many others from Europe (Bang Bang Copenhagen, Les Enfantines, Nanana…).

A wall of drawings by Japanese artist Masami Shinkawa was welcoming us at the reception desk and set the mood: Playtime Tokyo was going to be fun and graphic!

Three Trend Spaces where Japanese artists created installations allowed their art to mingle with new trends, and some creative silhouettes introduced us to a wide selection of brands.

2 Supergraphic_Playtime Tokyo
3 Supergraphic Playtime Tokyo 2_P&P


I loved the giant and colorful origami props by Cochae, a design studio founded by Yousuke Jikuhara and Miki Takeda in 2003. They recently won the prize “Good toy” for their game ton ton sumo edited by Kokuyo. Mix of prints and patterns and bold colors!

caption: top photo: Supergraphic trend space by Cochae 

look 1, bottom left: top by Baker, pants by Munster Kids; middle: total look by Enn Hüt; look 3, bottom right: vest by Ami Amie, tee shirt by Blomor, shorts by little things

4 Starfish_Playtime Tokyo 2


This space was pretty amazing as well, with the giant knitted octopus as a central masterpiece. Artist 203gow lives in a world where everyday objects are gradually replaced or covered by knitting objects. That set the mood!

5 Green carpet_Playtime Tokyo 1_
6 Green Carpet looks Playtime Tokyo_P&P

#3 GREEN CARPET by Iyo Yamamoto

Maybe my favorite of all three spaces. I first thought it was all about jelly fishes and underwater world until I noticed the artist standing by her creations. We chit chatted for a bit and she explained to me that the hand felted objects on display are mushrooms, beautiful art work! Please check out her website as well, you may fall in love with her other creations such as beans rings.

caption: top photo: Green Carpet trend space by Iyo Yamamoto 
look 1: shirt and vest by Arch and Line; look 2: shirt by Aglini, pants by bleu h., look 3: jacket by Babe & Tess, shirt by 120%lino, pants by bebobio

In Part 2 I will introduce my favorite finds, new and established labels that I have discovered at Playtime Tokyo. Stay tuned!

©All photographs by Marie Maglaque, Etincelle Creative STUDIO

{Thank you so much Marie, wish I could go to Tokyo one day}

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